Lori Swartz

Lie in the grass or on a sidewalk or on your roof.  Look at the sky.  Feel your boots laced tightly around your calves.  Pile rocks. Get dirty.  Take the t.v. antenna off your forehead.  Be where you are, even for a snap. "

We are lured by the fastest, cheapest, biggest.  We forget about authenticity.  Art takes time. We are taught that there is value in canned, pre-packaged, foil-wrapped and zip-locked.  There are too many plastic things marketed as originals.  We all have stories to tell.  Use this work as a prompt for your own story.  Be present and see.  Be curious.

Lori Swartz began as a metal smith, creating sculpture, furniture and jewelry.  She is also a painter, writer and a performer of circus arts (acrobatics, trapeze, aerial fabric and aerial chain).  Working as a multi-media artist has allowed her to express herself in ways that are both private and public.  She does not have divided loyalties.  She has one loyalty (art), with multiple expressions.

Depth Necklace

Lori Swartz

From €486,68 - €552,19


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