Inspiring Stories of Our Clients
For decades of operating Lireille gallery on Piedmont avenue of Oakland, a vibrant and diverse neighborhood in Oakland, we have met many great folks coming through our doors. They are here to support arts, local artisans, and small independent businesses like us. Some of them have become our life-time friends. Here are some of their inspiring life stories they shared with us.
I don't see art, I feel art.
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I don't see art, I feel art. The melancholy evoked by David Hockney's paintings is essence of art to me. - Yan Liu A Bigger Splash 1967 Tate© David Hockney...
Transform a Mundane Yard into an Oasis by Using an Artist’s Color Palette
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Many of our artists are multifaceted in talent. Monica Schmid, director of Lireille gallery, is not only a metalsmith, but also a fashion designer, a national swimming champion of Switzerland, and recently became a master gardener....