Canadian Diamonds : Beyond Conflict-Free Diamonds
North America’s diamond in the rough
How long have diamonds been found and mined in Canada?
Our Canadian diamonds are mainly produced in the Diavik and EKATI mines and adhere to the Canadian Diamond Code of Conduct (CDCC), which states that we must keep records and a chain of warranties proving the authenticity of our Canadian diamonds.
Documented from origin to polished stones:
CanadaMark® diamonds come from the Ekati mine in a remote region near the Arctic Circle and are tracked through audited processes from origin to polished stones. The mine follows strict environmental regulations. Since the discovery of diamonds in this area in the 1990s, the mine has a history of protecting the integrity of the land, water, and wildlife.
What’s unique about Canadian diamonds?
Environmental cognizance is important in Canada. These mines adhere to strict standards in their diamond production. It’s very important that the mines not disturb the wildlife or marine habitats. Also, Canadian diamonds tend to have low levels of fluorescence and an innate quality to take a high luster.
How can someone tell if his or her diamond is from Canada?
Diamonds with a finished weight of 1/3 carat and above are tracked from the mine to the market. Each diamond certificate states:
- The mine it was produced from
- The certificate number
- The original weight of the rough
- The finished polish weight
Every CanadaMark™ diamond from Lireille is:
- Responsibly mined in Canada’s Northwest Territories
- Natural and untreated
- Tracked through audited processes at every stage from country of origin to polished stone
- Polished to meet specific quality standards
- Guaranteed to come from conflict-free source.
To custom design a diamond engagement ring, give us a call us today at 510- 547- 3455 and talk to our jewelry expert.
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